Radio for Online Marketers
One of my ongoing challenges as I get busier and busier is ... how do i keep up with client work, run my business and still stay sharp in terms of what is going on in SEO, SEM, and the Online world in general?
Here are two great solutions that allow me to disconnect my eyeballs from my computer once in a while and stay in tune with what's new:
1. -- I can work out, listen to 'WebMasterRadio' and stay sharp at the same time. There are some great topics and speakers. Recent shows were hosted by Mikkel deMib Svendsen, Dave Naylor, Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg, just to name a few.
2. -- A bit of a plug here because I know the owner (who happens to also be pretty good at SEM), but this is a great way to catch up on all that business reading you don't have the time for. In my last post i mentioned that i need to read 'Tipping Point'... well, of course they have it either to rent out or buy. Love this service.