Wednesday, October 12, 2005

White Paper Links

Here is a list of the White Papers from Highly recommended reading.

Eye Tracking Study
>>Go to Download Page
July 2005

In this paper, you’ll learn about the complex interplay between page elements such as top sponsored links, OneBox results, organic results and side sponsored ads. You’ll learn how our eyes move around the page in excruciating detail, how we scan listings, what catches our eye and what motivates us to click on one listing over another.
B2B Survey Summary
>>Go to Download Page
October 2004

The purpose of this survey was to provide insight in how search might be used on business to business transactions and to determine the similarities and differences with consumer search behavior.
Search Engine Usage In North America
>>Go to Download Page
April 2004

Complementary research to the previously released "Inside the Mind of the Searcher." This 59 page detailed research paper, conducted in January and February of 2004, surveyed respondents on search engine usage.
Inside the Mind of the Searcher
>>Go to Download Page
March 2004

The results of an intensive focus group research project held in February, 2004. It’s been recognized as ground breaking research by many industry experts, including Danny Sullivan, editor of and Anne Holland, editor of MarketingSherpa. The 30 page report has discovered some startling findings about the way consumers search.

Monday, October 10, 2005

On my List for Santa This Year...

I've been eyeing this little beauty for a while now:

Ways to Find What People are Searching For

Interested in what people are searching for today? You'll find it at these two sites, ad nauseum at: (as i write this, i notice that the number 1 fastest gaining query on google is..... you guessed it.... "giant squid". Why oh why?)

And by the way, if all the x-rated searches were not filtered from those results... you'd be looking at a whole n'other set of topics... search engines see more than their fair share of the underbelly of society... (and those topics just don't seem to be showing up on their buzz pages. Go figure).

So much data, so many possiblities. Here's an idea to draw a huge amount of attention to your site or brand -- use your creativity and pick a couple of those terms that are making it to the buzz page.

Throw those words into a ppc campaign, create some catchy and creative copy that ties the buzz term to your brand or site, and watch the clicks roll in. I used this during poor Janet Jackson's unfortunate wardrobe mishap to draw attention to a superbowl ad feature.

(Caveats: make sure you've capped your daily spend, and be clear that these are going to be awareness clicks for you - not necessarily converting clicks!)

Search Engine Stats - August 2005 Stats from Neilsen//NetRatings

Search Engine Stats - August 2005 Stats from Neilsen//NetRatings (US of course -- -- i wish it were a little easier to get Cdn stats...)

Source: Search Engine Watch

5.04 billion searches in August across 65 engines, that's up 10% from the 4.6 billion searches in July

Average searches per web searcher grew to 42 in August, increase of 7% from July

Top Engines for August
Google--46% of all searches
Yahoo--23% of all searches
MSN--11% of all searches
AOL Search--8% of all searches
Ask Jeeves--2% of all searches

Google vs. Its Advertisers

Feeding the hand that bites you?

If you search for Voice over IP, or Digital Telephony or VOiP or Skype, or any other keyword related to making phone calls over the internet, you'll see that VoIP providers have caught on to search engine marketing pretty quickly.

How much money is this industry spending with Yahoo and Google right now?

And is there any other industry out there right now where the media companies that are making so much from their advertisers have just turned the tables and become their biggest competitors? Food for thought.

Ode to Google

I write so much about Google in my blog, that you'd think that Google was the only search engine out there. Obviously not, but it is the only one that captivates me and puts me in awe - watching and puzzling over each new step it takes into different industries and media.

I fell into this industry one day when i realized that the website I'd just built could get thousands of targeted visitors to it, if i just figured out how to get to the top of those search engine results pages. Just that aspect of search engine marketing is interesting enough - with all the mysterious ins and outs of engine algorithms. Add to that the whole other world of paid search ads that is equally fascinating, in a whole other way. No wonder I'm hooked.

But I've long been an admirer of smart, strategic, innovative, gutsy companies that are willing to make a mark in the world (no matter what industry they're in), and guess who's in this already most interesting of industries - the most innovative of companies, with the $$ to fund their far-reaching plans in the most extravagant and out there ways you could ever imagine. So here's to Google!

Google, The Telecom Provider

It's fascinating to see the directions that Google is expanding in. Here's an article from one of the best Search sites - Search Engine Watch... about "Google, the Telecom Provider"

Google: The Telecom Provider, Leases Massive Amount of Space in NYC
The NY Post article (reg. required, free): Google Feeling Lucky, offers a massive amount of fuel to the Google, your telecom company story. According to The Post, Google is leasing 270,000 sq. feet in a Chelsea office building that's known as a telecom carrier "hotel" because the Eighth Avenue building is home to thousands of servers (from many carriers including BellSouth, MCI, Qwest, and Sprint) and the critical infrastructure to support them.
"111 Eighth Avenue is the premier telecom and data facility in the United States," said Neal McGraw, the chief financial officer of NYC Connect LLC, which operates a facility in the building that allows tenants to connect their networks efficiently and at a low cost.
Also worth noting:
[The buildings] concentration of interconnected networks would allow Google to offer its new voice-over-Internet service, Google Talk, more efficiently and at lower cost because it would be able to connect directly to the networks of many of the world's leading telecom firms that are also housed there.
One telecom analyst tells The Post that he and his colleagues have never seen a network buildup on this scale.